10 May, 2016

How Do I Forgive

If you live on planet earth, chances are you’ve been hurt or wronged. If not you’re probably too young to be on the Internet.

The bad news is that people will always hurt you. There is no escaping that. If you’re lucky it won’t be intentional if you’re not so lucky people will intentionally hurt you. Fear not, it happens to everyone.

Sometimes people don’t even realise they’ve hurt you and that’s not to say you are overly sensitive. Remember the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will not harm me”? Well, that’s a big lie! Words hurt. They cut you deep, deeper sometimes than sticks and bones!

The most painful type is when people who supposedly love you hurt you. You know, your spouse, your sibling, your parent, your child or your friend. These people will be in your life for a very long time. So how do you deal with that? How do you forgive them? How do you NOT hold it against them? You may have to confront people however you cannot possibly confront everyone that hurts you. Some you are just going to have to let go. That’s life.

We’ve all heard some myths about forgiveness.

One of the myths is that forgiveness is a feeling. So you hear people say things like “I am not ready to forgive” or “I can’t forgive that”.
Forgiveness is not a feeling. If you are waiting to feel right in order to forgive, you may wait a really long time. Forgiveness is a choice. It’s a decision you take. It is a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment, anger, bitterness or vengeance towards someone who has hurt you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness or not.

Another myth is ‘forgive and forget’. Forgiving does not necessarily mean you forget. Let’s be honest we have our memories and as much as we’d love to, we cannot blot out an event or hurt. Also forgiving does not mean excusing or condoning the behaviour.

Forgiveness is not about the other person. It’s not about how sorry they are, or their promise never to do it again, it’s not even a function of their apology. They may never ask for forgiveness. They may never even know that you forgave them. No. It’s about you. It’s about releasing the other person and yourself so that you don’t go about carrying bitterness and resentment in your heart. It’s about your wholeness. It’s about your health and soundness.

Sometimes you may need to confront the person that’s hurt you (in such cases the words you use are extremely important). However most times you will not have the opportunity to confront the person that’s hurt you either because they’ve moved away or passed on or simply because you don’t want to rehash all that.

Forgiveness means you let off the hook, you do not keep score and you do not hold it against them. So how do you go about forgiving someone that’s hurt you? Firstly:

Assess the Damage:
It hurt me when he/she said/did……..
It made me feel…… (Neglected, angry, embarrassed……)

Choose to forgive and release the debt
But I choose as an act of my will to forgive them and release them from anything that they owe, even if they do it again.
Now you don’t want them to do it again, but remember you don’t have control over anyone and also it’s not about them, it’s about you.

Remember your choice
You are going to need it. For each time they hurt you remember your decision to forgive. 


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